Sunday, 31 March 2013

8 Week Pregnancy Update

How far along? 8 weeks
Total weight gain/measurements? Need to get myself some scales!
Maternity clothes? Nope not yet but jeans are getting very tight!
Stretch marks? None yet fingers crossed!
Sleep? till not sleeping well and I have a horrible cold so feel like I cant breathe due to be blocked nose :(

Best moment this week? Visiting Pauls nan and grandad and she knitted the baby some booties and socks so cute!
Miss anything? My sleep
Movement? Too early.
Food cravings? Wimpy very random and jelly and ice cream

 Anything make you queasy/sick? Cheese
Gender? Wont know untill June/July
Labour signs? None! 
Symptoms?Fatigue, constantly hungry, urinating more, sore breasts also feeling a little sick sometimes  
Belly button - in or out? In. 
 Happy or moody? Happy I'm pregnant but moody as always tired 
Looking forward to? My first midwife appointment & 12 week scan

Watch my Pregnancy vlog on Youtube! 

Thursday, 21 March 2013

6-7 Week Pregnancy Update

How far along? 7 weeks

Total weight gain/measurements? Need to get myself some scales!

Maternity clothes? Nope not yet! 

Stretch marks? None yet fingers crossed!

Sleep? Hardly sleeping at the moment, very uncomfortable as I cant lay on my back I like to lay on my front or side also getting up alot more to go to the toilet.

Best moment this week? Seeing the feedback from my youtube video on my announcement :D

Miss anything? Tea loads

Movement? Too early.

Food cravings? Nothing in particular at the moment
 Anything make you queasy/sick? Smell of my cats food

Gender? Wont know untill June/July

Labour signs? None! 

Symptoms?Fatigue, constantly hungry, urinating more, sore breasts

Belly button - in or out? In. 

 Happy or moody? Happy I'm pregnant but moody as always tired 

Looking forward to? My first midwife appointment & 12 week scan

Watch my Pregnancy vlog on Youtube!

Pregnancy book my mum bought me

7 week baby bump!

I'm going to be a mummy!

How we found out I was pregnant

Some of you may know we wasn't planning to have a baby this year, we always spoke about having children but I didn't think I would fall pregnant so quickly but we are over the moon:-D

For a couple of days I was experiencing lots of bloating and I was two days late on my period which never happens!

Paul drove to Tescos and got me a pregnancy test because I knew something wasnt right, we took the test together and waited nervously and about a minute of waiting it was POSITIVE
I couldn't believe it I was very happy but very shocked too 

Four tests later, I'm 100% sure I'm pregnant!
Folic Acid I'm currently taking

He then went to Tescos again lol to get couple more tests and he got me folic acid which I started taking immediately

A couple days later I told my close family & a few friends they were very shocked but delighted

From what I'm going by (from my last period) I'm 7 weeks pregnant but I could be wrong I wont know untill my 12 week scan in May.



Hiya everyone,

Welcome to my pregnancy/baby blog, you all already know that I'm pregnant and expecting my first baby in November this year! I will be posting week by week pregnancy posts on symptoms,baby bump etc... 

Hope you enjoy my blog & dont forget to follow me 

Lots of love 
Katie-Marie xx