How far along? 8 weeks
Total weight gain/measurements? Need to get myself some scales!
Maternity clothes? Nope not yet but jeans are getting very tight!
Stretch marks? None yet fingers crossed!
Sleep? till not sleeping well and I have a horrible cold so feel like I cant breathe due to be blocked nose :(
Best moment this week? Visiting Pauls nan and grandad and she knitted the baby some booties and socks so cute!
Miss anything? My sleep
Movement? Too early.
Food cravings? Wimpy very random and jelly and ice cream
Anything make you queasy/sick? Cheese
Gender? Wont know untill June/July
Labour signs? None!
Symptoms?Fatigue, constantly hungry, urinating more, sore breasts also feeling a little sick sometimes
Belly button - in or out? In.
Happy or moody? Happy I'm pregnant but moody as always tired
Watch my Pregnancy vlog on Youtube!